VIBANK – Motorists driving past the Village of Vibank on Highway 48 can now see the final result of the Vibank Community Group’s centennial project to construct two new signs to welcome those both near and far to the community.
“The Village of Vibank council would like to congratulate and thank the Vibank Community Group on the completion of the ‘Welcome to Vibank’ signs that are erected along Highway #48 on the east and west sides of the village,” Vibank Mayor Tracey Schaffer said. “The signs will serve as permanent welcome signs for our village for many years to come. The signs were designed, funded by and donated by the Vibank Community Group and they will welcome all friends, new and old, to our village.”!
“The Vibank Community Group serves as a reminder to all, that when our community works together, everyone benefits and great things can be accomplished within our community,” Schaffer added.!
“On behalf of the Vibank Community Group, I would like say thank you the members of the community, and surrounding area, for what they have helped us accomplish,” Vibank Community Group Chair Brennen Schmidt said. “The signs are a testament to our community’s strength and cooperation, and have been built to last both now and well into the future. This project would not have been possible had it not been for the continued support of our community over the past two years.”!
Construction on the signs began this summer, and wrapped up on November 8 with the addition of stainless steel lettering, featuring the communities new logo.
For more information, please contact:
Brennen Schmidt, Vibank Community Group
Phone: 306-957-4233
Mobile: 306-527-0505