Due to the very dry conditions in and around Vibank, The Village of Vibank together with the Vibank Volunteer Fire Department are requesting that residents refrain from having open air fires.


If using a fire pit or outdoor fireplace, the fire must;

*be covered with a screen

*be contained in a non-combustible receptacle

*consist of charcoal, cut seasoned wood, or manufactured fire logs


Residents are not allowed to burn the following materials:

**waste, including rubbish, treated or painted lumber, garbage, or garden refuse;

**any material classified as hazardous material or dangerous good;


**any material that generates black smoke, an offensive odour when burned including, but not limited to, insulation from electrical wiring, rubber tires, asphalt shingles, hydrocarbons, plastics, and lumber treated with wood preservatives.


Remember to keep all fire pits/ outdoor fireplaces at least 3 meters (10 ft) from any building, porch, deck, and property line.

Remember to never leave fires unattended, always supervise children (and some adults – you know who) and don’t use on very windy days.

Thank you from the Village of Vibank.