July Update: Wow what a windy July
The Village will receive funding for our two Summer Students Robin and Evan who started on July 6. This is Evan’s third year with the Village, and Robin’s first. Robin will be helping out in the Office and running some summer activities. For more details and updates on what Robin is doing please watch our Face Book page.
Phone books are available at the Village Office, beside the Post Office, please help yourself.
A couple of changes to our July routine and more updates:
- Council Meeting was moved from July 28 to July 21, to accommodate holidays. Meeting will start at 7pm and will be held in the Village Office, please let the Office know if you plan on attending so we can accommodate everyone with proper social distancing.
- Special Meeting with the Volunteer Fire Department will be July 16, again please let the Office know if you are attending, thank you.
- Utility billing was mailed on July 8, please call the Office if you did not receive yours.
- The Primary Daycare is still temporarily relocated to the Centennial Hall, due to maintenance on the boilers and boiler room. Plans are to have them back home in the Heritage Building very soon.
- Village applied for two Grants, the Provincial MEEP grant and the Enabling Accessibility Fund. If successful the Heritage Building will see a new door and chair lift, and Public Works will have a newer vehicle. A third Grant for Asset Management is in the works.
- The Recreation Board received a Grant for a Community Recreation Plan, what for details.
- Our new cross walk is at the Shop and plans are to have it up before September.
Village Office hours are: Tuesday – Friday from 9am- 4pm call 306-762-2130 or email :
Public Works – Daniel 306-550-5957