Two Summer Student Job Postings are available this year in the Village:
Village of Vibank
Summer Student Employment Opportunities:
- Outside Landscape Helper – Maintenance assistant
- 30 hours/ week includes Saturdays.
- $12.15 an hour
- Must be willing to work for 8 weeks starting June 23 until August 23
- Must be eligible for the Canada Summer Jobs Program
- Valid Driver’s License
- Ability to run small equipment (lawn mower etc.)
- Submit Applications to the Village Office in Vibank by June 10, 2021.
- Youth Summer Play Coordinator – Office Assistant
- 25 hours/week
- $12.15 an hour
- Must be willing to work for 8 weeks starting June 23 until Aug. 23
- Must be eligible for the Canada Summer Jobs Program
- Ability to work with children ages 6 and up.
- Coordinate, plan and supervise online and Covid safe outdoor activities program for up to 9 Village children as per Public Health guidelines.
- Plan and co-ordinate activities in the Village to support Mental and Physical Health
- Submit Applications to the Village Office in Vibank by June 10, 2021.
Send applications by: mail, email or fax.: 306-762-4722* when sending by email include cover letter and resume in body of email no attachments please:
Mail: Box 204, Vibank, Sask. S0G 4Y0 In Person: Village Office – Heritage Building