Official Community Plan And Zoning Bylaw Review And Update
Over the next few months, the Village of Vibank will be conducting a review and update of its Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw.
What is an Official Community Plan?
The Official Community Plan (OCP) represents Council’s long-tern vision for the municipality and will guide land use planning and control for the community. A new OCP will provide a vision for how the municipality will grow, including identifying those areas where future potential residential and commercial developments and potential recreational opportunities should take place.
Through the consultation period of this project, the planning process ensures the concerns and requirements of individuals, businesses groups and agencies are heard.
What is a Zoning Bylaw?
A zoning bylaw controls the use of land in the community. It states exactly:
- how land may be used
- where buildings and other structures can be located
- the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
- the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from the street.
The OCP sets out the municipality’s general policies for future land use. The zoning bylaw put the plan into effect and provide for its day-to-day administration.
The Importance of Community Involvement
Good planning leads to orderly change and the efficient provision of services. It touches all of us and helps us to have the kind of community we want.
Residents, landowners, business owners and other key stakeholders all have an important part to play in shaping the plan and the future of the community. Your involvement will help provide a voice to the unique context of local concerns.
During the next three weeks, the Village of Vibank will be conducting an online survey along with other potential stakeholder consultations. By taking the time to complete the survey and provide your comments you can have a say in the future of this municipality.
With your input, Council will be able to create an OCP and Zoning Bylaw that will meet the needs of the municipality and guide the future vision as well as providing a current view of expectations around growth.