December News
Reminder that the Village Office will be closing for the year on December 23, 2020 and will not open until January 5 , 2021. Please make sure you drop off your post dated cheques for year end taxes/utilities on or before the 23rd. If paying online your payment must...
Christmas Candy Drop
The Vibank Recreation Board presents a Christmas Candy Drop in conjunction with the Vibank Volunteer Fire Department's light parade. https://www.facebook.com/VibankFireRescue/ . Candy bags wil be made 72 hours in advance and contactless drop off on the evening of...
Youth Curling Registration
Declaration of Results
The Village had 131 Voters in the 2020 Election and the results are as below. The first meeting of Council will be November 17 at 7 pm for Council Orientation only, with the regular meeting to be held in conjunction with the Public Meeting on November 24 at the Hall...
Rink Repairs require water shut off November 1
Hi unfortunately maintenance will have to shut off the water to the village starting at 2:45 pm today, November 1 this will take between 15 and 30 minutes. Unfortunately we had a leak at the rink and it requires maintenance. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause,...
Vibank Flu Clinic October 29
Vibank Flu Clinic October 29 - Appointments can be made starting Tuesday , October 13 by calling 306-766-7500 Option 2. Vibank Flu Clinic - Vibank Centennial Hall - 103- 1st Ave. 2pm-7pm on Thursday, October 29th *Please remember to call ahead and book your...