
Day Care – Job Posting

Primary Day Care is looking for a Child Care Worker - Location: VIBANK Details: Primary Daycare in the Village of Vibank is seeking a full time early childhood educator to join our team. We are a fully licensed daycare center with 59 spaces, close to the regional...

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Upcoming Events

September 24 - Council Meeting - Council Chambers - Heritage Building  7 pm September 25 - Hand Stitching Embroidery Class - Vibank Library 6:30 pm October 1 - Nov 5 - Living with Chronic Pain Workshop - Tuesdays 9:30-noon - Seniors Centre - Main Street October...

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September Council Meeting

Agenda for September 24, 2019 Council Meeting – Agenda - September 24 - Regular Meeting 7pm – Council Chambers – Heritage Center 101 – 2nd Ave Vibank

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Reduced Speed Coming to Vibank

Your Village Council has passed Bylaw 2019-10  A Bylaw to: i) Regulate the speed of motor vehicles within the Village of Vibank  and; ii) identify areas where reduced speed is limited and; iii) regulate the parking of Recreational Vehicles and trailers on public...

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August Council Meeting

Agenda for August 27, 2019 Council Meeting - August 27, 2019 Agenda 7pm - Council Chambers - Heritage Center 101 - 2nd Ave Vibank

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Summer Newsletter and Mail Out

Village Summer Newsletter includes an updated latest recyclables list from Loraas and the The Village Financials for 2018. Summer Newsletter and Mail Out

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