Mayor’s Message on the passing of Councillor Ian Brimble
It is with profound sadness that I reflect on the passing of former Mayor and Councilor Ian Brimble. On behalf of Council and the Village of Vibank, I extend heartfelt sympathies to Ian’s wife Sheila, his children, and the rest of his family and loved ones. A...
May 19, 2020
For the most up-to-date information about COVID-19, please visit www.saskatchewan.ca/COVID-19. To learn more about the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan, please visit...
Council Meeting Change
Due to the current situation evolving so quickly, information can change at anytime, Vibank Council and Administration is trying to be as proactive as possible, please bare with us as we navigate this together. Council has postponed their March 24 meeting to March...
Covid-19 protect yourself and Others
March 18 - Province declares state of Emergency - https://www.saskatchewan.ca/government/news-and-media/2020/march/18/covid-19-state-of-emergency March 17 - Attention Residents:In order to maintain the health and safety of our staff and community, council has made the...
Vibank Updates March
Village Assessment Roll is open until March 25, 2020 - only homes that were sold/purchased or had changes in 2020 were issued assessment notices. For more information visit: https://vibank.ca/village-services/water-sewer/ Village Utility Bills mailed on March 3 - Due...